Would you leave your whole life behind to go run a winery in Italy?

This episode’s game protagonist, Emma, turns her whole world on its end when she gets an unexpected letter from an old friend of her grandfather. Through his notes to her and supportive members of her new community, she learns about the seasons on the vineyard, the complex decisions involved in winemaking, and the feeling of pride in tasting her very own new vintage.

In the third episode of No Small Games, Kate and Emily review their experiences playing the winemaking simulator Hundred Days, by Broken Arms Games. Learn about their take on wine culture and fine dining, their experiences wine tasting, and of course, their experiences playing this game.

Episode Timecodes

  • Weekly Boss Battles ✦ 00:01:00
  • Game Discussion ✦ 00:17:45
  • Next Episode’s Game Announcement ✦ 01:03:20

Shoutout to the great books we’ve been reading!

  • Lockwood and Co. series, by Jonathan Stroud
  • Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, by Gabrielle Zevin
  • All’s Well, by Mona Awad

Keep in touch with us on social media:

Kate’s Twitter ✦ https://twitter.com/katerblossom

Emily’s Twitter ✦ https://twitter.com/aSpecificEgg

No Small Games Twitter ✦ https://twitter.com/NoSmallGames 

No Small Games Instagram ✦ https://www.instagram.com/nosmallgames 

Want to learn more and weigh in on what games we should play in future episodes? Contact us and let us know what you’d like to see us play!

No Small Games is an indie game recap and review podcast brought to you by hosts Kate and Emily! They became friends while streaming on Twitch and bonded over their love of indie video games. In each episode of No Small Games, the two will discuss an indie game they both played independently. They’ll compare their experiences: the good, the bad, their most memorable moments of their playthroughs.

In this installment, you’ll hear their game review of Hundred Days.

Learn more about the podcast and its hosts on the About page.