Turn the concept of a city builder on its head and revitalize regions stripped of their natural ecosystems…

Terra Nil is an environmental strategy game that puts you in charge of an expedition to transform barren, desolate lands and bring them back to life. The game takes the classic UI and gameplay of a city builder and applies them to a natural landscape in desperate need of a little TLC. Terra Nil flips the concept of “progress” on its head. Instead of winning through the process on industrialization and natural resource consumption, you win by enriching and purifying soil and water, improving climatological conditions, and returning native species to their habitats.

In the fifth episode of No Small Games, Kate and Emily review their experiences playing Terra Nil, developed by Free Lives and published by Devolver Digital. Kate describes the deep emotions that get conjured up for her at the site of wind turbines. Emily shares which endgame spoiler she just couldn’t wrap her head around. Find out which aspects of the game were most challenging for the hosts, and which were most fun, in this indie game review of Terra Nil.

Episode Timecodes

  • Weekly Boss Battles ✦ 00:04:08
  • Terra Nil Game Review ✦ 00:09:03
  • Next Episode’s Game Announcement ✦ 00:48:47

Keep in touch with us on social media:

Kate’s Twitter ✦ https://twitter.com/katerblossom

Emily’s Twitter ✦ https://twitter.com/aSpecificEgg

No Small Games Twitter ✦ https://twitter.com/NoSmallGames 

No Small Games Instagram ✦ https://www.instagram.com/nosmallgames 

Want to learn more and weigh in on what games we should play in future episodes? Contact us and let us know what you’d like to see us play!

No Small Games is an indie game recap and review podcast brought to you by hosts Kate and Emily! They became friends while streaming on Twitch and bonded over their love of indie video games. In each episode of No Small Games, the two will discuss an indie game they both played independently. They’ll compare their experiences: the good, the bad, their most memorable moments of their playthroughs.

In this installment, you’ll hear their game review of Terra Nil.

Learn more about the podcast and its hosts on the About page.