Thank you to all of our listeners, guests, and supporters for making it a fantastic first year of No Small Games!

In No Small Games’ inaugural Yearbook Episode, we are recapping and reminiscing about the first full year of the show. Get a peek behind the curtains as Kate and Emily reflect on each season. Hear their lessons learned and their successes, as they ventured into their first year of podcasting.

In addition to recapping all of the games covered in the first four seasons of the show, Kate and Emily reveal their picks for their Top 5 games from the 2023-2024 year, and the fan favorite episodes voted on by YOU! Featuring superlatives and thank you’s to No Small Games supporters, this episode is a tribute to all of you and all of these impactful indie games and game developers mentioned in the first year of the show! We are so grateful to all of you who have tuned in this year, and can’t wait to bring you more indie game content in 2024 and beyond!

Keep in touch with us on social media:

Kate’s Twitter ✦

Emily’s Twitter ✦

No Small Games Twitter ✦ 

No Small Games Instagram ✦ 

Want to learn more and weigh in on what games we should play in future episodes? Contact us and let us know what you’d like to see us play!

No Small Games is an indie game recap and review podcast brought to you by hosts Kate and Emily! They became friends while streaming on Twitch and bonded over their love of indie video games. In each episode of No Small Games, the two will discuss an indie game they both played independently. They’ll compare their experiences: the good, the bad, their most memorable moments of their playthroughs.

In this installment, you’ll hear our 2023-2024 No Small Games Yearbook and all our most precious memories in this year-in-review.

Learn more about the podcast and its hosts on the About page.